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                Basic chemical industry: polyester industry chain prices of multi-product, vitamin B1 supply tension
                點擊次數:   更新時間:17/03/22 15:18:03     來源:山東龍口雙龍化工有限公司 【關閉分    享:
                Crude oil prices rose slightly: Brent this week, even the uptrend trend, despite the recent WTI callback, but the week as a whole is still rising, the ongoing turmoil in Iraq is to promote Brent oil prices continue to rise the fundamental driving force.
                     PTA industry chain prices of multi-product: PTA manufacturers limit the impact of production prices, polyester industry chain prices continue to rise this week, polyester staple fiber and PET chips are close to 5%, upstream PX prices this week also appeared 4.3% Increase.
                     Vitamin B1 prices continue to rise: this week, the price of vitamin B1 rose from 140 yuan to 155 yuan / kg, in the days of new environmental events and the assessment of China and China may change the direction of the catalyst, B1 prices rose nearly 60%, but the distance of history 260 Yuan / kg of the historical high point there is still a certain gap. As the current channel inventory is small, the downstream demand is rigid and the cost is very small, and the industry three companies taste the first taste, we expect B1 price is still expected to continue to rise in the future, see our brother on the scientific research summary.
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                 魯公網安備 37068102000175號

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